We are off to a great start! We spent some time getting to know each other and also started a discussion regarding the Make Your Day Program. The program will be fully implemented in the classroom by the end of next week.
Students have a "Getting to Know You Bag" for homework tonight. We discussed this project thoroughly in class and I presented my own bag as a sample.
Many forms and notices were sent home today or last night at the "Meet the Teacher" event, so please take a moment to go through your child's folder.
Forms that need to be filled out and returned to school:
Emergency Card - please make sure you sign the bottom line on the back - it's easy to miss.
Infinite Campus - this is regarding our online grade book.
Sonoran Sky Handbook - students also need to sign this.
PVUSD Guarantee - it's on an tan sheet of paper.
Online Communication and Collaboration Form - this is a really important one for my class because technology is a huge part of our curriculum.
We will have a daily snack break. I provided snacks for students today and will provide them again tomorrow, but beginning next week your child is encouraged to bring a healthy snack each day. We do have nut allergies in the classroom, so no nut products please.
I hope everyone enjoyed today as much as I did! Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.
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